Sarah Donnelly dans The Only American in Paris Théâtre BO Saint Martin Affiche

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Théâtre BO Saint Martin, 75003 Paris

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Shana Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-Could not stop laughing!

A truly fun evening and hilarious show from start to end. Sarah's anecdotes about Paris whether you're French, an expat, a tourist, or anything in between will have you nearly peeing yourself! One of the best comedy shows I've seen.
# écrit le 22/10/22

Justttoby Inscrit Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-A great time, regardless if you’ve been in Paris for a day or 7 years

Sarah Donnelly does a great show! She's entertaining and tells great stories about living in Paris. Hilarious show! Definitely worth a watch!
# écrit le 22/10/22

Monica Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-Big laughs

Sarah is a wonderful performer and so so funny. She spins expat frustrations into moments of joy and is able to laugh at herself and her own quirks as much as the quirks of French culture. The show is just super fun and generous and you'll leave feeling like you've giggled with your funniest friend for an hour.
# écrit le 19/10/22

Karlhac Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-Definitely a must see

This show was so great, laughing the whole time and SO relatable. Sarah has so many anecdotes for situations every expat faces, hilarious!!! Sad when it ended!
# écrit le 17/10/22

stephfinitely Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-You might pee, c’est possible

So happy to have finally made it to Sarah's The Only American in Paris show at the Bo Theater. Her jokes, the PowerPoints, the gyrations and the almost too relatable French admin woes had us in tears. Even those not living as expats in Paris will have a great time at this show. Merci for the great night out!
# écrit le 16/10/22

USFrenchie123 Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-The best evening!

Sarah's show is hysterical! I laughed so hard my face hurt. As a fellow US expat with a French husband and kiddo, I related to every story and joke! Thanks for the best evening.
# écrit le 16/10/22

RobinD Inscrit Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-Juste GÉNIAL !!

Ce spectacle était hilarant, les blagues de Sarah sur la France sont fraîches et font rire l'intégralité du public ! C'était un moment génial, je recommande 10000 fois !
# écrit le 13/10/22

Kelly Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-We laughed a lot

We had a lot of fun at Sarah's last sold out show! Both myself - a Canadian living in Paris, and my friend, a Parisian who has lived in the US - could relate to Sarah's stories and her hilarious interpretations. There were lots of creative and clever bits that would have anyone laughing! We both discovered Sarah's comedy at the show and left loving her and wanting more! Bravo and thanks for all of the laughs.
# écrit le 30/06/22

LouQuitt Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-Great show !

I laughed from the beginning until the end. Sarah Donnelly's show is great, full of self-mockery and making fun of stereotypes. She's really good at seeing the little annoying things in the French culture and she makes it hilarious !
# écrit le 17/06/22

Daniel85 Inscrit Il y a 7 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non

Took my French wife to this and she was in stitches all the way through. Me too. Loved it. Sarah is really funny and will show you what it's really like to come and live in Paris as an ex-pat. Never mind Emily In Paris, this is the real thing! And I will never see Emmanuel Macron in the same way again after this 😂
# écrit le 10/06/22

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