Sarah Donnelly dans The Only American in Paris Théâtre BO Saint Martin Affiche

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Théâtre BO Saint Martin, 75003 Paris

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Sophie Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-So brilliant!

Sarah's shows just getting better and better every time I see her! Hilarious and so relatable, a definite must see!
# écrit le 05/03/22

75PeanutButter Inscrite Il y a 6 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non

I so needed this show. It was hilarious. The audiences was non-stop cracking up. My mouth was hurting by the end because I laughed so much.
# écrit le 25/02/22

American Critic Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-The funniest American in Paris!

Sarah' show is hilarious! She will have you laughing the whole hour long. You know they say laughter is the best medicine! You will leave the show happy and feeling great! I know I did!
# écrit le 25/02/22

virjos Inscrite Il y a 13 ans 4 critiques  
Utile: Oui Non
-Very funny !!

We discovered Sarah on the first part of Paul's Taylor's show and she was so funny we decided to wait until she announced a new date for her show and we reserved it quickly. We are French but we spent 4 years in the US and we understood eveything. It was very funny. We laughed a lot and it's very necessary just now. I recommend it !
# écrit le 24/01/22

melonious Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
This show is just fabulous. Sarah is a talented, relatable, brilliant comedian and a ball of energy on stage. Her material is so good and original. I cannot recommend this show more. Don't miss it!
# écrit le 30/09/22

hilary75 Inscrite Il y a 6 ans 2 critiques  
Utile: Oui Non
-Worth it! Go! Vas-y !

If you like to laugh, you will like this show. I discovered Sarah pre-Covid and was so happy to see her return to the stage with a whole hour to herself. This show is hysterical - go support a hilarious comic and get tickets for you and your friends!
# écrit le 25/01/22

Katiedon Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non

I absolutely LOVED Sarah's show and was actually crying with laughter at the end. She's so witty, dry, and creative in the show. Would 100% recommend!!!
# écrit le 24/01/22

IzzyParisLondonNY Inscrite Il y a 6 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-Such a good fun !

We really had a good time. She is snappy and very funny ! Not trashy despite making few jokes around sex. So I will definitively go to her next show :)
# écrit le 24/01/22

snusz Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-A must see!
For all American expats in France, this is a MUST SEE! Sarah is hilarious and totally relatable. What a fantastic show!
# écrit le 08/03/22 , a vu cet évènement avec

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