Jono Duffy dans I hate Paris Théâtre BO Saint Martin Affiche

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Théâtre BO Saint Martin, 75003 Paris

Jono Duffy dans I hate Paris

Théâtre BO Saint Martin, Paris

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Jono Duffy is an award-winning stand up comedian from Australia who spent some time living in Iceland.

Jono Duffy is an award-winning stand up comedian from Australia who spent some time living in Iceland. He's done loads of things with his life like working at Eurovision, doing Ted Talks and being the only gay comedian in a whole country but all that changed when he met a French guy and moved to Paris, a city he has come to call home but doesn't necessarily love.

In his first solo show in Paris, Jono will share his take on what it's like to move to the most romantic city in the world when you're not that romantic and the world is on fire, what it's like to be in a relationship with a French person and why exactly he seems to hate Paris so much.

Come spend an hour finding out why this boy from Brisbane became one of the most sought-after English speaking comedians Iceland has to offer (that might not sound like a big deal but have you ever become a sought-after comedian in an island-nation in the North Atlantic Ocean? No? See, it's a pretty big deal).

You may have seen him making fun of the French on TikTok or doing a small spot at one of the many comedy clubs around the city but this is your chance to see him do his thing solo.

This show is completely in English because Jono hasn't lived here very long.

A Savoir :
Spectacle en anglais.

Auteur : Jono Duffy
Artiste : Jono Duffy

Quelques critiques de spectateurs :

Note des internautes :
5 avec 8 critiques
100% Bien
0% Moyen
0% Décu
Plus de critiques sur Jono Duffy dans I hate Paris »

DaravyB Inscrite Il y a 8 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-Great show !

My boyfriend and I laughed so much ! Thank for the show !
# écrit le 07/05/23 , a vu Jono Duffy dans I hate Paris,Théâtre BO Saint Martin Paris avec

Fatima75 Inscrite Il y a 7 ans 2 critiques  
Utile: Oui Non
-10 /10 would see it again!

I saw this show and laughed really hard!!!! I found his observations about France super on the point as a fellow expat. I even brought a French friend and they found the show witty and really funny. I have actually seen this comic live a few times and he does not disappoint!
# écrit le 03/05/23

hilary75 Inscrite Il y a 6 ans 2 critiques  
Utile: Oui Non
-Fantastique !

I have seen Jono perform a couple of times and he is always fantastic! It's so fun that he is doing his own full show now. Definitely grab some friends and go laugh with him!
# écrit le 02/05/23

Lily Inscrit Il y a 1 an 1 critique
Utile: Oui Non
-Really funny - highly recommend

We had a blast
# écrit le 17/03/23 , a vu Jono Duffy dans I hate Paris,Théâtre BO Saint Martin Paris avec

Fanny Inscrite Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-100 % validé ✨

Très très drôle du début à la fin ! Nous ne pouvons que recommander ! Le show parle de Paris - mais pas que ;) Jono est vraiment génial !
# écrit le 03/03/23 , a vu Jono Duffy dans I hate Paris,Théâtre BO Saint Martin Paris avec

Destinope Inscrit Il y a 2 ans 1 critique  
Utile: Oui Non
-Simply hilarious!

Literally one of the funniest stand-up comedy show I've seen. This guy knows what he's doing! My GF wants to go again.
# écrit le 23/09/22

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Vous aussi, donnez votre avis:

Pour un Public adulte


Langue : Anglais
Durée : 60 minutes soit 01h00

Evénements associés :
Marine Ella En rodage
Thomas GT dans Artichaut
Briac dans Vaste blague
Lise Dehurtevent
Etienne Lautrette dans En spectacle
Jean-Jacques Fiorito dans La farce cachée de l'info
Rémy Sojah dans Tout va mieux
Jean-Baptiste Mazoyer dans Le maître du jeu
Soun Dembele dans See You Soun