Joëlle Gewolb dans Paris Calling Théâtre BO Saint Martin Affiche

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où cet événement eut lieu :
Théâtre BO Saint Martin, 75003 Paris

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Isma18 Inscrit Il y a 5 ans 1 critique  
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-the very best of English-comedy show in Paris

I had an incredible moment watching Joelle Gewolb last night. She takes us through her life with humor and emotion. Her facial expressions killed me ! If you're an english-speaker in Paris, you should definitely go see "Paris Calling" !
# écrit le 17/03/24

maudlg Inscrite Il y a 15 ans 2 critiques  
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Super spectacle, très rythmé, un peu trash mais tellement drôle. Ce qu'il faut d'auto-dérision, de regard acide sur le monde et d'échange avec le public. Vu en version française (Antisocial)
# écrit le 20/07/24

OKcmdy Inscrit Il y a 3 ans 4 critiques  
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-Must-see show!

Joëlle perfectly combines her explosive energy with her incredibly unique storytelling. Go watch this if you want original hard hitting comedy and an original perspective. A must-see!
# écrit le 27/08/23 , a vu Joëlle Gewolb dans Paris Calling,Théâtre Le Bout Paris avec

PPpp.Harding Inscrit Il y a 7 ans 34 critiques  
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-OMG! Amazing...

Good job! Tkx Joëlle...
# écrit le 27/08/23 , a vu Joëlle Gewolb dans Paris Calling,Théâtre Le Bout Paris avec

Lukas Inscrit Il y a 1 an 1 critique
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-Great fun - highly recommend

My partner and I had a great time. Joëlle's show is very entertaining, she engages the audience and adds quick-witted responses and manages to merge serious topics with light-hearted jokes. Highly recommend to join her for a drink after the show, great way to start a fun evening out
# écrit le 20/08/23 , a vu Joëlle Gewolb dans Paris Calling,Théâtre Le Bout Paris avec

blobparis Inscrit Il y a 1 an 1 critique
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this one hour show is definitely worth your time. Joelle takes you on a hilarious whilrwind tour of her life in Paris in a fres, unique, and original perspective that avoids clichés. the laughs-per-euro ratio is very high. See it while you can.
# écrit le 13/08/23 , a vu Joëlle Gewolb dans Paris Calling,Théâtre Le Bout Paris avec

Héloïse Inscrite Il y a 12 ans 1 critique  
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-Great show 3

Joelle is very funny and her stories are original and authentically hilarious. Would definitely recommend!
# écrit le 28/08/23

Eva Inscrite Il y a 1 an 1 critique  
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-Great comedian

Great show! I was for a weekend in Paris and as I enjoy watching stand up comedy, I decided to to look for one. Brilliant idea! I was not so sure if I would find a good English one, but I found Joëlle Gewolb!! My partner and I had fund and laugh during her show. Best idea! And I recommend you, if you have time after the show, go and try to have q drink with Joëlle, you will certainly have interesting conversations and laugh.
# écrit le 19/08/23

Clarisse Inscrit Il y a 1 an 1 critique
Utile: Oui Non

Fantastic show. Laughed the whole way through and then got drinks with Joelle after and kept laughing. This is one not to miss!
# écrit le 01/08/23 , a vu Joëlle Gewolb dans Paris Calling,Théâtre Le Bout Paris avec

Tom Inscrit Il y a 1 an 1 critique  
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Amazing show with a breath of fresh air and jokes! Love the British accent, make sure to catch Joëlle for a drink after to find out the rest of her untold stories
# écrit le 08/08/23

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