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Comédie musicale: Les Jingle Belles : Christmas Cheer (La Magie de Noël)

-Happy Holidays!!!
What a fun afternoon - the music was amazing and the show a perfect antidote to the chilly weather and gray skies! The generosity of the artists was so clear! Don't miss this great kid-friendly experience - Ho-Ho-Ho-Ho!
# écrit le 19/12/16 , a vu cet évènement avec

Comédie musicale: Next Thing You Know

-What a treat!!!
Totally loved my evening out to see Next Thing You Know! Full of youthful, real-life comedy, sung with the passion, joy and talent that AMT is known for here in Paris. The cozy pub atmosphere puts you right in the middle of all the action. Was enchanted by the surprises in the show. Don't miss it!
# écrit le 09/10/15

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