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One Woman Show: D'yan Forest dans Swinging On The Seine

-D'yan Forest is a Star!

On 13 April, I had the pleasure of attending the premiere edition of D'yan Forest's Swinging on the Seine at La Nouvelle Seine. If you don't know who is D'yan Forest, you will soon! She is 84 years old and a superbly talented comedian, chanteuse and host. Swinging on the Seine is the story of D'yan's early year in Paris when she was on her way to becoming a star in the Parisian caberet scene. She had so many wonderful adventures, equal parts humourous and also scandalous, but in a good way. If you like stand-up comedy, music, and creative storytelling, this is a great show for you.
# écrit le 24/04/19 , a vu cet évènement avec

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