Wary Nichen dans Nomade 2.0 | en anglais Le Métropole Affiche

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Le Métropole, 75002 Paris

Wary Nichen dans Nomade 2.0
en anglais

Le Métropole, Paris

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Nomade 2.0 (In English)

Nomade 2.0 is a tale of stand-up told by a citizen of the world: a mix of political news, travel anecdotes, and Gnawa music in the storytelling tradition of the African Tuaregs.

Wary Nichen is a nomad. Part of a new generation of wanderers, those that travel by plane. So Wary has a lot of miles – in other words, he is a platinum status gypsy.

A nomadic artist has the advantage of always being on tour. That being said, the other side of the coin is usually found on the back of that same coin. A lot of people do not know Wary and he's ok with that, because he doesn't know them either.

Wary's world is fairly well captured in this quote from his parents: "A humor like the profit it generates: very very subtle."

A Savoir :
Spectacle en anglais.

Artiste(s) : Wary Nichen

Evénement proposé par BON LIEUX'ARTS - LD-21-4060

Pour Tout public


Langue : Anglais
Durée : 60 minutes soit 01h00

Evénements associés :
Gatsby Comedy Club
Speaker Comedy Club
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