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Ses critiques

One man show: How to become parisian in one hour ?

-Not to be missed!

Hilarious English-speaking comedy show in Paris. Should appeal to tourists and Parisians alike.
# écrit le 03/04/14 , a vu cet évènement avec BilletReduc.com

Cabaret / revue: Burlesque Le Show

-fun burlesque show!

a nice, fun, burlesque show near pigalle.
# écrit le 03/04/14 , a vu cet évènement avec BilletReduc.com

Spectacle Musical: Les Swinging Poules

-this is why i love france!

these women are simply amazing. the show has a fun take on the challenges of being a woman and these ladies are beautiful, sexy and talented. what a wonderful ensemble!
# écrit le 03/04/14 , a vu cet évènement avec BilletReduc.com

Spectacle Musical: Laurette de Paname

-lovely one-woman show

the artist has enough stage presence to carry the show by herself and this is definitely a great evening at the theatre.
# écrit le 03/04/14 , a vu cet évènement avec BilletReduc.com

Spectacle Musical: Ballades à Paris

-exactly what it says in the title

what a fun way to 'see' paris through the eyes of three distinct characters. so many songs, some where the audience joins in, great music and fun. the singer and the pianist are clearly enjoying themselves and the audience is swept up with them. going from romantic, to silly, to campy fun, this show has something for everybody.
# écrit le 03/04/14 , a vu cet évènement avec BilletReduc.com

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