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Théâtre contemporain: (Tout) ce qui (nous) reste


An honour to be in the audience of a show which asks meaningful questions with integrity, humour and genuine curiosity. The powerful writing by Maria Stella Milani is both delightfully delicate and unashamedly bold; reflecting on an instance of real, relatable romance whilst playing with the poetic and metaphorical world of the Gods. This is a universally recognisable story which invites audiences from Paris, Rome, London and beyond! Milani performs with beautiful vulnerability which is matched by her co-stars Cyrille Delemotte and Matthieu Da Costa. Delemotte's commanding presence in his interpretation, voice, and movement, wonderfully captivates the audience. Da Costa plays with the humour of the Milani's text when magically transforming between Eros, Thantos, and Cupid with true conviction. The design and decor by Aloïs Genestier is truly marvellous and compliments Milani's vision and direction in the figurative world of the play. Congratulations to everyone involved! (Tout) Ce Qui (Nous) Reste at Theatre Funambule Montmartre is highly praised and recommended!
# écrit le 15/03/23



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